Monday, October 5, 2009

Blast from the past

It's actually not new news since it happened over a week ago, but I received an a call from Rock Chick completely out of the blue. She called me on a Friday morning at 10 am while at work. She said hi, asked if I was working and said she'd call me later that night.

I didn't know what to make of it. She just disappeared for about a month and just like that gives me a call. I had thoughts that something may not be 100% kosher but I figured I'd wait until she called me back before assessing the situation.

When she did get back to me that evening, she admitted that she while she was away visiting her parents in another city, she applied for a PhD program, and got very stressed trying to finish her Masters, while simultaneously start her PhD. she made it sound like she was ignoring everyone, not just me.

I understand how being busy and stressed would make you want o be alone for a while, but to disappear cold turkey like that and expect the other person to still be interested is a gamble. Just s I was considering giving it another chance, I asked her to do something the next night but she explained how she was sick with a cold (I could hear her stuffy on the phone). I told her perhaps the weekend then. However, I went out with Student instead (we have another date lined up this week - more on that in another post).

Saturday night I was invited to a friend's movie night, but I didn't really want my Saturday night entertainment to be just hanging out with a bunch of middle aged guys (my friend is 45, I work with him at the comedy club), so I gave Rock Chick a call.

Again, she sounded happy to hear from me but when I asked her to do something she told em she was going to study. I suggested if she needed a break at all to give me a call but she declined. So, politely I told her I know she'd busy with school and she wants me to give her space so I don't distract her I will but she said I wasn't distracting her and she wasn't trying to be impolite.

Well, regardless, I think I'm over Rock Chick. I"m actually having more fun meeting new people, I don't need to go chase her.


As a side note, a friend of mine told me the other day that she doesn't know anyone else who's been on as many dates as I have. I couldn't believe it. I thought about it for a minute and it is true.I've been on a whole bunch of dates this past year. definitely an improvement from my university days.

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