Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lost Post: Questions Answered

I did it again. I wrote a blog post and only saved it instead of published!. This one dates back to almost a month ago. Enjoy!

After I wrote this post, I received a comment from a reader, Stepahine who had this to ask:

- are you still in contact with IRG?
- does she miss you?
- why is her going back to the US the end? just because everybody expects it and it's common sense...
You still have time enough to use common sense, why not live now?

It got me thinking and I e-mailed IRG to find out how things will be when she is visiting next month. Turns out she is actually staying here over a full week and will be house-sitting a friends place not too far from where I live.I basically mentioned in my e-mail that I was thinking of taking the same week off work while she is here visiting and admitted I was still thining of her and just wanted to know her thoughts so when we are together we are on the same page.

From her response i can now answer those questions:

- are you still in contact with IRG? Yes we e-mail back and forth almost every second day.

- does she miss you? She mentioned in her e-mail how she had a lot of fun with me while she was here and wants to have fun again when she returns, but hasn't mentioned that she misses me. So, no, I don't think she misses me but is excited to see me again.

- why is her going back to the US the end? just because everybody expects it and it's common sense... Because I don't want a long distance relationship and she definitely does not want one. She wrote that while she is back, she wants to hang out and do a lot together and we could even be "pretend" boyfriend/girlfriend but when she leaves again, that's it for good. She never knows when she'll be back and she wants to start looking for dates online. Her words exactly: But when I get back from my vacation, I think I might try to do some Craig's List dating again.
She ends with: So all this is to say that I always want to be your friend and I want to spend my vacation time with you, but I still don't plan on us being a permanent type of long-distance relationship, you know?  I'm sure you know, but I just want to be clear.  I hope this isn't upsetting or something.

So there you have it. 

1 comment:

stephanie clara said...

:) Thank you for answering.

I always thought I don't understand anything about men, now I have to add I don't understand women either... :)

Well... then can't say anything else but 'Take what you can get' I guess...