Monday, November 22, 2010

Snowball Effect

Friday night I meet Cute Jew 2 at a dinner event. Last night we went out together. We had dinner before hand and then watch a fun circus show. She holds really good eye contact and trust me she is not hard on the eyes.

During dinner I told her about the show I perform in on Sundays. Come Sunday, I get a text from her asking me what time the show starts and then she showed up with her friend that night.

After the show she left with her friend and I didn't really get to say goodbye so I texted her "I'm glad you came tonight, Are you free this week to grab a coffee or something". To which she replied yes and either Monday night or Thursday night.

I picked Thursday because if I had picked Monday then I would have seen her 4 days in a row. Now, if a girl wants to hang out with me 4 days in a row, I'm guessing either she is bored and really looking for something to do with friends, or she may have a thing for me.

I figured I find Cute Jew 2 pretty cute and interesting so I'd like to see where it goes. I'm always confused at the beginning when I meet someone if it's to just be friends or more. But regardless 4 days in a row is a bit extreme. I think I'll wait a couple of days to let it build up.

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