Thursday, September 17, 2009


My boss's son, whom I also work with, is getting married. Along with my other co-worker (our company is technically 4 people), I got invited to his engagement party. I don't really want to go but I kind of feel I have to. I respect my coworkers but I don't' really feel comfortable enough to hang out with them outside of work. On top of that, the groom to be is good friends with a lot of people I went to high school with (he's only a year or two younger than me).

I was told I'm allowed to bring someone and feel a hell of a lot better if I could find someone to go with. I'm not currently dating anyone, so this becomes a challenge. I don't have any real close female friends I could ask. I know a couple of girls I see almost every week at the theatre and we've hung out outside of the workshops as well.

How do I approach it though "Hi Jen? Hey It's Elwood. how are you doing? this is going to sound weird but I'm invited to a swanky, fancy dress up engagement party. I know we haven't hung out much but I thought it'd be a great way to get to know you. Would you lie to be my date?"

Or how about "Hi Sarah! How are you? I'm invited to my boss's son's engagement party and I was wondering if you'd like to be my date. I thought I could show off if I invited someone who was really good looking like yourself"

Yeah, I wouldn't wouldn't ask it either of those way, but my question is: a) Is it wrong to ask, and b) whats the best way to ask.

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