Sunday, January 31, 2010

The case of the Ex

No, this is not another post about my ex-girlfriend. The "ex" I'm referring to is my brother Ira's ex. My brother was married for several years until his wife went crazy and left him because she "fell out f love" with him. She had problems.

After the divorce he did meet a nice girl online and they dated for several months. He had dated other people since he was divorced but she was the only one he dated for that long. Even after they broke up, he has had a real girlfriend since her.

The reason he ended things with her was because, as he told me, he felt he wasn't mentally stimulated by her. He didn't feel that they talked about anything really intelligent. When they did break up she was really upset and told him that he was the best thing to ever happen to her. This is only after a few months dating. Maybe 6 tops. Six months and she couldn't live without him? Pretty intense.

Over the past year and a half she has tried to keep in touch with him even though he has no interest in her. He's discovered she dated another guy for a while. She even called him to hook him up with one of her own friends. Basically it seems like she just won't leave him alone.

This past Friday Ira asked me to listen to a message she left on his phone. Basically it was just her saying sorry she couldn't attend this event he had invited her to on Facebook (he has just invited anyone), hoped he was feeling better (he was sick recently and wrote that on facebook) and wants him to give her a call sometime.

Now Ira is not an idiot. For someone who he hasn't spoken to in a very long time, she sounds like nothing is different and wants to see him again. The crappy thing for Ira is that he's tempted to call her. He's been thinking a lot and trying to convince himself to reconsider his situation. Originally he was bored of her so he dumped her. Now, he sees that she's showing him a lot of interest and he's lonely and alone so if he wants to fill that space, he can easily start things up with her again. I told him to avoid that. That if he's only changing things because he feels lonely, then what is the point. Better that he waits and meet someone he really likes that just go with Miss Right Now. Am I right?

I felt the same way when I broke up with Wendy. For a short while after, it seemed almost too easy to just go back to her but I insisted on not doing so and then eventually she found someone else and left me alone and I got to do my own thing. It was hard for a while because I felt alone but whatever. Look at me now. I'm out and about and super busy with the things I like and I'm meeting lots of girls. Ira has been doing the same thing which is why I don't want him to make te wrong ohoice for the wrong reasons.

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