Monday, January 11, 2010

It Finally Happened

On January 10th, 2010, at around 3:30am, at the age of 28, I lost my virginity.

It happened sort of out of the blue. What started as drinks with friends ended up with me in my bed with a friend of mine who was flirting with me earlier in the night.

We had been talking about a movie we both liked and she had mentioned how she would love to watch it again sometime. having owned that particular movie, I invited her over at 2am as we left the bar and she accepted while we held hands all the way to my place.

I'll spare you the details but once in my room, I set up the movie so we'd have to watch it in my bed. Immediately after it started we went at it for a while. It then became the time of the hour, now or never.

I asked her if she wanted me to get a condom and she said yes. At first I was having man issues again but will a little patience it finally worked and we had intercourse.

For 30 seconds.

Did it feel good? Yes. Did it blow my mind? No. Did I feel changed? Not really.

It made me realize that after having at least fooled around with other girls before, going all the way wasn't such an extra leap.

I could tell she want to go at it again but I felt so exhausted, I was barely able to stay awake. Let alone stay hard.

The only scary moment of the night was when the condom fell off as I pulled out. She freaked out a little and was exclaiming how she'd need to take the morning after pill. However, the next morning she was more calm about it and was sure everything was ok.

Just my luck to lose my virginity and find out 9 months later I have a kid.

The major weird thing about the whole situation was that she is a friend of mine. Not close friends but not really someone I'd want not pursue on a regular basis. I felt we were in the moment last night and went for it but it's not really something I'd want to continue.

I took her out for breakfast this morning and I think I got the same vibe from her as we were departing in opposite directions.

Well, looks like things could only go up from here.


Trips said...

Wow finally the big payoff! I agree with you that fooling around can and should be considered just as good as having "technical" sex. It's not some magically different feeling! But I think its good that you can finally move past from the whole "losing your virginity" thing, and just enjoy each experience as it comes. It sounds like you are!

Trips said...

Oh, and I should add that sex will blow your mind one day...with the right person. It sounds cliche, but building up a level of trust and intimacy with a person can lead to way more amazing experiences than a one night stand. Also, experience in this area will increase your skill, just like in anything else.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. These things always start out challenging and later become a delight. Try to find a girl who you can repeat the experience with, and get some communication going in the bedroom. The sex will be mind-blowing.

So@24 said...

This is the greatest day of my life.

Elwood said...

Thanks SO@24! Glad to see you're still around.

Dolce said...

I wanted to comment on this post a looooong time ago.

Congrats, friend. I had a ton of faith in you and you pulled through!

How's life on the other side?