Saturday, March 20, 2010

Crazy Eights

The other day I was at Indie Rock Girl's sitting on her bed. I was teaching her how to play Crazy Eights and was trying to remember all the rules:

Elwood: "Ok so if you get a 2, you pick up 2 cards"
Indie Rock Girl: "Ok"
Elwood: "If you get an 8, you chane the suit. You can put down multiple cards of the same number..."
Indie Rock Girl: "Ok"
Elwod: "...and if you put down an ace you can dop all cards of the same suit".
Indie Rock Girl: "Ok"
Elwood: "A jack mean you miss a turn, and the Queen of spades is pick up 5 cards"
Indie Rock Girl: "Ok"
Elwood: "and everytime a King is played, I get to kiss you".
Indie Rock Girl: "Ok! :) "

I was half kidding when I said that but she was totally into it. Then I won. With a king.

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