Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I don't hear that everyday

"Yah we need to have sex a lot more often".

That is definitely not something I thought I'd hear (or read in this case) from someone. Ever!

She realizes we're both extremely busy people and then when we do manage to see each other, we're out and about doing stuff. We're both the type who want to explore and do things than just stay inside all the time wathching TV. Although now it seems like we may be doing a different kind of exploring.

Indie Rock Girl leaves in about 2 months. We have a lot of exploring to do.


Zach the Lizard said...


I'm a new visitor to your blog (I can't say how I managed to come across it), and I haven't yet been able to read all of the backlog of posts yet, but I can say that your posts have given me a bit of hope for my own future. I am in a situation much like that you were in in college, yet different.

To hear another guy in similar shoes is, to put it simply, amazing. What is even more amazing and encouraging is that you have "recovered," I guess I can say, and begun to have all of the experiences that you missed out on. Bravo. Perhaps some day I shall have the strength and courage to break out of my shell.

Elwood said...

Hey Zach,
thanks for the great comment. I'm glad to hear that this blog is actually helping others realize they are not alone.

It took me a while to get into the dating game but it's happened.

I can't promise I'll always have the most interesting thigns to write but please come back!

Good luck!