Monday, August 9, 2010

A fun Wedding and a week ahead

Last night I went to a wedding with Indie Rock Girl. The whole reason she is in town was for this wedding and she had arranged for me to be her date. The plan was to meet her at her friends' place in a spot pretty far from my apartment and in no way on the way to the wedding, but I went there nonetheless so I wouldn't arrive at the wedding all alone.

I ended up rushing like mad to get ready and after putting on my suit and preparing my tie perfectly, that's when I realized I forgot to shave and had to rush even more, After shaving at the speed of light, I ran down to the Subway and arrived where IRG told me to meet them in  just the nick of time! I hopped into the cab and we went to the wedding.

The wedding was located in a restaurant by the port of My City. It was a very nice looking place and a cute small ceremony. The couple were married by the court of law with the bride's father reading all the legal documents to make it a legal marriage.

After the ceremony was an open bar followed by the supper of the night. It is the first wedding Ive been to that instead of asking the patron which dish they wanted, small bowls were prepared of several dishes and we got to take what we wanted to eat.

Aside from the open bar, during the meal, they were not cheap on the wine at all. As soon as your glass was looking empty, they just filled it up again. I ended up having quite a bit to drink and IRG had even  more. I've actually never seen her drink so much before.

About halfway during the dancing part, a bunch of us were hanging outside on the patio and IRG and I ended up holding hands secretely.

I stayed at the wedding until about 12:30am when I left with IRG to walk to the Subway. The whole walk there we ended up holding hands and even when she let go to tie her show or fix something, she just went back and grabbed my hand again, which honestly, felt really nice.

When we arrived at the Subway, again we had to go in seperate directions. However, when I went to give her a hug, somehow our lips met and we kissed briefly. We did not make out or anything btu I didnt' see her regreting he decision on letting me kiss her. 

I'm almost 99% sure all of that happened because of the alcohol. In any case, I am now officially on vacation for a full week. She is here the entire week and as of tomorrow will eb staying at the apartment of the newly weds to house sit. Thaey happen to live exactly 1 block away. I hope to hang otu with ehr at least several times this week and have no idea how things will pan out.

We shall see...


stephanie clara said...

I don't know but I think a girl doesn't just take any guy to a wedding, not even any friend, does she? She'd rather go alone.

So it must mean something... no?

Elwood said...

Everybody is different but at the wedding, she distinctly said "I'm so glad I invited you so I didn't have to sit at the singles table".

However, after I made a couple of jokes about it, she did hint that she wasn't strictly using me for that reason and did want me to come.

A couple of months ago, I went to a wedding and invited a girl as my date and it was strictly because she's a good friend and I know she brings a lot of fun to the table, so that's probably why I was invited.

stephanie clara said...

Oh dear you're right. I forgot about the singles table...

Actually here you cannot just invite someone to a wedding. Since the couple knows you well (or else they would not invite you), they know whether you're single or not, and if you are, you are invited alone, without partner.
I've spent many years at singles tables (first as a single, then because of my long-distance-boyfriend) and yes, it really sucks :)