Friday, December 25, 2009

Lonely Jew on Christmas

Today is Christmas and it is kind of hard not feeling lonely. Being Jewish, it's not my holiday, so my family does not do anything special for it. I have no dinner to attend. Living in the same city as my parents, I have no place to visit. My room mates are away. All my friends are busy with their families or out of town.

All I did today was get up come to my parents house and put together my moms brand new plasma TV. And you know what, just doing that made me realize that it's not too bad. Hanging out with my fam for just a little while is miles ahead of being alone in an empty apartment.

My parents already had dinner plans tonight (to something I didn't even want to be invited to) so they are out for now, but we decided to try and catch the new Sherlock Holmes movie later this evening.

Also, I discovered this great website with Abandonware. It's old computer games that are so old, they are no longer copyrighted and can be downloaded online for free. That will keep me busy for a couple of hours.

I admit it would be nice to be spending time with a girl instead, but I'm OK that I'm not.


In other news, last night I went out to this Jewish party. On Dec. 24th, there is nothing for Jews to do, so they organize big parties. I went with Ira hoping to meet people and dance the night away. Instead the party was a tiny place, no place to move and no dancing. Everyone was just talking and pushing their way through the crowd. I had a pretty bad headache too. I did get to talk to a few girls but nothing really amounted from it. Ira and i talked to 2 girls for about 30 minutes and they were laughing at our jokes but I still got the impression they wanted to leave. And they did.

The weirdest part of the night was when I bumped into a guy I met through Wendy. All I knew is that at one time he had dated her before i came around. We hadn't seen each other in a while and were chatting. Wendy's name came up and he told me he thinks she's dating a new guy.

And it didn't bother me.

I shouldn't bother me but I'm doubly glad that it didn't because I've learned it takes me a long time to get over people.

Then Wendy's friend told me he had a story for me and was like "Oh you don't know the whole story? Well, I shouldn't tell you but I will anyways" and I was all "just don't tell me then, it's better I don't know."

I was expecting to hear some crazy story like how he slept with her while I was dating her or how she's been seeping around or is addicted to drugs or something shocking. Instead he just tells me how they dated a few years before I met her, he was really into her and then she dumped him. Then a few years later they met up again and became friends and now they hang out form time to time although he's convinced it's only when she's single.

That wasn't very shocking or useful knowledge to me at all. However, it did make me feel good to know that I didn't do what he did. I didn't try to remain friends. To me it sound like he still may have feelings for her. I on the other just want to meet someone new, not get back together with her.

Eventually my headache bothered me too much so we left and I went home and fell asleep.


I would like to take this time to wish all of the people who follow this blog a MERRY CHRISTMAS! I know I don't always write that often. I don't feel nowadays I have much of anything interesting to say, but yet you people keep coming back to read, so I must be doing something right. So as long as people are reading, I'll keep writing!

Happy Holidays,

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