Tuesday, December 8, 2009

When is a date a date?

If there is anything I'm bad at, it's knowing when a date is actually a date. I've met many girls on "dates" but most the time it was strictly platonic and it's even harder for me because I seem to have a hard time knowing when it is and isn't. I always seem to figure out some conspiracy as to why it would only be a "friendship" date: "yes we met at a party but she was only talking to me because I told her I like the Arcade Fire". OK that never happened but along those lines.

I bring this up only because on Thursday I meeting up with someone on a "date". I doubt that's what she's calling it but I'll find out. How did I meet this person? Well it's kind of weird but technically Facebook set us up. Long story short:

I went to go watch my roommate play with his band. After the show I bump into an acquaintance. We catch up and at his table is a girl. She turns to me and says "I know you Elwood Blues!". I had never seen this person before in my life. Turns out Facebook kept telling her we should be friends. Apparently it's because we have a whole bunch of mutual "Facebook friends". So, naturally, when I got home, I actually added her as a Facebok friend to make it official.

We joked back and forth over a couple of weeks via messaging about her stalking me until I asked if she was free on the weekend. She wasn't but was free later that week, then she got sick, then I forgot about her, then she contacted me to arrange something, then that never happened, then I contacted her again and finally, we're going for beer on Thursday.

So is it date?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, but first dates tend to be pretty informal and casual (i.e. I wouldn't bring her flowers). Just hang out and go with the flow and don't be discouraged if it doesn't end with a kiss. Some girls refuse to kiss on the first date.

- G