Monday, December 24, 2007

Oh No! Not another dating blog!

In the past year I got addicted to reading peoples' blogs, especially the ones about their dating/love life. It's fun and interesting to see how people interact and feel about certain things.

After many months of pondering, I finally decided to write my own anonymous blog (No, Elwood is not my real name). What made my decision you may ask? Well, I will admit that for starters, things with my girlfriend are "not going so well". I don't believe we will be a couple much longer (more on that later). I know that while dating her, I could never write about things involving her. I say "involving her" and not "about her" because, the purpose of this blog isn't for me to bash my ex-girlfriends. I hear writing is a good outlet to get things off your chest and yes this will help me feel better.

However, I've always been intrigued to write about my experiences with the opposite sex for a long time now. Although, I'm a really fun and outgoing guy, I could never quite "get it right" with women. This may explain why I started dating at such a late age.

Also, this blog will help me learn things too, by reading what I write and by others (more experienced people perhaps?) who leave their two cents - Yes! Comments are encouraged! (once I figure a way to get people to read this blog...).

Let the secret life of an anonymous blogger begin...

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