Monday, June 16, 2008

Feeling Better

Having friends that understand you rocks!

Feel shitty last night, I e-mailed Spider Dude and told him what happened .
He got back to me with a message i can truly relate to:

Dearest Elwood,
You are a good guy - and you did the right thing. But yes, it does feel pretty shitty and it is very normal.
I know that after I broke up with (my ex), whenever I thought she was with a new guy, it made me feel
a) pretty low, and
b) like I had to go out and find someone quickly too (like a competition).

I'm afraid to admit it but it's true, that is how I feel a bit. He continues with:

Luckily I recognized that these were reactionary feelings and went at my own pace.
So yes, you'll feel shitty now, but it will pass and it will get better.

I'm sure it will. I slept really badly last night, but felt better inside once I slept on it. Besides i"m actually hanging out with the guy who's interested in wendy on Wednesday. Shows I got balls, haha.

1 comment:

JRM said...

Spider due rocks, indeed! It is kind of like a competition, isn't it. Crazy where our minds go. Onwards!