Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Elwood's Dating Stories 7 - The Masquerade Ball

Back in 2007 (a year before I met Wendy) a friend of mine was organizing a masked ball at the University I used to go to (she was still going there at the time). A bunch of my friends were going (most of them also alumni). I was curious to see what it would be like to be at a college party, dressed up fancy and wearing masks and being 3 to 5 years older than most people.

A week before the party, I went to a mask making night at a bar to do just that, make my mask. I took a silver mask, the generic Green Lantern style mask and painted gold flames around the eyes. I also added black feather that made me look kind of like a reverse Don King:

And now my full outfit:

I love dressing up nice (I'll do anything to wear a tie) and I also like dressing up for costume parties so this event was perfect for me. Also, it was a good year from dressing up since on the previous Halloween, I got to make out with someone at a party, so I went in with a "I'm going to have fun no matter what" attitude.

The party was in a huge room in one of the university buildings. There was all you can drink beer so that was good. I ended up chatting with a few people i know and some random. I met a coupe of chicks who were pretty cool.

One point in the night I went to the bathroom and while I was at the urinal, my friend Down Under (he's from Australia) walks in and goes to the urinal next to me. After a few minutes of awkward silence he says to me "So... how's your penis?". We both start cracking up.

I can't remember when in the night or how (or even why), but I ended up chatting with someone i met through someone else I barely knew. Like everyone else, she was wearing a mask and was a bit on the chubby side, but that didn't stop me from making out with her for what felt like ages.

I remember just going at it for a really long time. Then she left to go to the bathroom or something. I recall seeing her chatting with other guys but I stayed out of the way. Then she came back and we continued where we left off.

Things were going well until I got this crazy idea in my head to dip her while she was in my arms. This failed completely and I dropped her onto the floor. This was followed by me falling on her.

She got up easily, while I just lay there like a fool, laughing hysterically. Her friend (the one i knew a little) was drunkenly yelling at me to get up and get back to the girl.

All my friends saw that I was getting some attention that night. They all knew I was single and were really having a blast making fun of me and cheering me on.

Eventually I had to go to the bathroom again. Low and behold, Down Under walks in, starts taking a piss and says "So... how's your penis now?!"

As the night winded down, and the make out session ended, I got nervous about what would happen next. I quickly discovered she was going to run off with her friend or roomate or rwhoever was with her, so I asked her for her phone number. She declined giving me her digits but said I could have her e-mail instead.

We could find a pen or paper but instead a large permanent marker. She decided to write her e-mail address on my arm. Now when I say arm, I mean my whole arm. The e-mail address was super long. It was her full name @the university address so it basically went from my wrist to my shoulder.

The next day I was with my mom, wearing a sweater to cover up the mess on my arm. My mom is old fashioned and I knew she'd comment on seeing black marker on my arm at the age of 26. All was good until she asked me what time it was and she caught the last couple of letters peaking out under my watch.

Needless to say after the whole crazy night of drinking, making out, dropping people and penis talk, I e-mailed her but nothing ever came of it. Basically I asked her out for coffee or beer sometime and she pretty much replied something like : "Unfortunately I'm busy then".


So I ask her out in a very vague manner (i.e. not actually setting a date) yet whenever in time we could potentially meet, she'll still be busy.

Such is my life...

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