Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Life is good (apperently)

Lately I've been stressed with work and getting sick all the time and just been really busy and stuff. My brother Ira confronted me the other day and gave me contact info for his life coach. He knows I'm looking to change jobs and said talking to the LC could help me. He's been using her for a while now and wanted to help me out.

So I wrote LC an quick e-mail about me, how things are going at work and that I've been single for a while. She wrote back and we agreed to talk this evening. She charges for her calls but the first one is free and each session is 1 hour.

At 8pm, I gave LC a call. She was expecting me and had a really sweet voice.

She wanted me to tell her about myself even though I mentioned most it in the e-mail. I basically just ranted about work and how I feel and how i'm looking to find a new job and my thoughts of how to proceed with looking.

Basicaly after 30 minutes, she told me I don't need her. I sound super outgoing smart and awesome on the phone, she said, and I seem to have my goals straight. I just need to get off my ass and she told me hiring her to talk on the phone won't help me get off my butt so I don't need her.

Well what do you know? If I could only get such a positive response with all the girls I talk to on the phone! Too bad she's married and has kids...



priorities are in order, this is GREAT! Keep on movin' and get those dreams you have!
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you've imagined.-Thoreau

Dolce said...

Hey! You're on the Up and Up!!!

Now, get off your ass and get a new job.

And don't tell Ira you don't need a life coach.