Friday, February 19, 2010

First Base

Tonight I went over to Indie Rock Chick's apartment to watch this weeks episode of LOST!

She made me pizza and then we headed into her room to watch it on her laptop. The episode was AWESOME! Then we switched on the Olympics and watched that for a while.

We were sitting on her floor leaning against her bed. I then put my arm around her and eventually sometime during the Olympics, I leaned in and kissed her cheek and then her lips. We ended up making out.

So it's official. I am claiming that my move. It's the cheek than lips move. To all you shy people out there like me. It totally works. Just lean in, kiss the cheek and they will know right away your intentions. Hasn't failed me yet!

It was nice.

Very very high school.

Actually, I wouldn't know since I never did any of this stuff during high school, which is why I'm loving it now. I'm such a kid.

At one point we were lying on our stomachs watching her screen and I had my arm around her for a bit and then she put her arm around me and even rubbed my hair. I felt really relaxed then, knowing that the feelings must be mutual and I didn't have to worry that I was forcing her into anything.

The only strange thing about the two times we made out tonight was that is was extremely slow. I'm not saying I wanted to be making out super hard core or anything but each kiss felt like it lasted a good 3 or 4 seconds. Our tongues were moving at 1km/hr. I started to veer off at one point, but I felt guilty and tried concentrating again.

Well I hope things will feel a little less awkward from now on.

I'm going out with her again on Saturday. Hooray!

1 comment:

Dolce said...

Reading all of the entries back-to-back, your feeling about this girl have greatly shifted. I can't believe you go in for the kiss on the cheek instead of going in for the kill.

Girls LOVE that kind of stuff.

A man who is comanding when it comes to messing around is such a turn on.

Have fun with IRG. She's sounds like a keeper!