Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Elwood's Dating Stories 4- University: Psycho girl Part 2

So to continue where I left off, Psycho Girl had admitted that she had a crush on me.

I should have seen the bad signs right off the bat. I only realized later that week that when she told me she liked me, she kept taking big sips of her beer, like she was trying to get drunk so it all made sense. It went like this:

"I" *sip* "Really" *sip* "Have a"*sip* "Crush on you!" *SIP!*

After downing our beers, we headed to a local park dubbed Crack Park (for the obvious reasons).

We sat down on a bench and talked a bit more.

I remember looking at the fountain in the middle of the park and seeing a weird looking couple getting their wedding picture taken.... at 11:30pm... by 1 guy.... with no one else around...

Anyways, Psycho Girl kept looking at me. Then she offered me some gum. Then looked some more. Finally she asked me if I would kiss her, and I did.

(Funny enough, I owe it to Psycho Girl because on my third date with Wendy, she had asked me if I wanted gum and this time I knew it was code for "do you want to kiss me", so Wendy didn't need to ask me).

For the res of October, I kept getting huge mixed signals from Psycho girl. We never kissed again since that night, only hung out as friends. I was too shy to try anything and I guess she didn't seem to mind.

That all changed on Halloween.

The plan was to hang out and get drunk. Boy did we ever!

I spent the night with Pyscho Girl, my buddy Football Guy and his girlfriend at the time.

We went to a University party where you paid a price to enter the building and throughout there were stations for shots. We were pretty sloshed on the way out.

We were all supposed to head to a club but Football Guy and his girlfriend were arguing or something. I'm not really sure what was going on because Psycho Girl kept making out with me in the street.

I probably should have left, but I really wanted to hang out with my buddy (I know, I didn't have my priorities straight back then).

Finally, Psycho Girl admitted she didn't feel well and that we had to go back to her place, which thankfully was near by.

On the way there, I heard her slur to me "I just want to hang out with you until I find someone else".

She told me that straight up to my face, and in such a passive manner like it was nothing.

It ruined the night for me.

Before I could even react to that, I found myself in her bathroom, being yelled at her to take off her dress so she could puke in the toilet. (Also, strangely enough, two months ago I almost found myself helping Wendy puke in a toilet at a hotel, but she yelled at me not to come into the bathroom, and in the end she never puked).

I helped Pyscho Girl into her bed. She asked me to join her but I was still all fucked up from what she told me earlier, and although I was drunk, something inside told me to get the fuck out of there, so I did.

I ended up at a friend's party instead of the club. At the party I had a really drunk conversation with two of my equally drunk friends:

Friends 1 and 2: "You left her all alone in her place?"
Elwood: "Yeah..."
Friends 1 and 2: "How'd you leave her?"
Elwood: I left her to sleep on her back"
Friends 1 and 2: "ON her BACK?! She could choke on vomit! You need to go back there!"
Elwood: Are you sure that's necessary?"
Friends 1 and 2: "Yes! Lets go!"
Elwood" Lets go? I don't even remember where she lives! I ran out of there as fast as a could!"
Friends 1 and 2: "Do you have her number? At least call her!"

We finally all calmed down and I called her. Not only was she fine, by calling her I had woken her up.

The next day, she had called me.

It was awkward on the phone. I just cut her off and said I thought we should just remain friends.

She agreed.

That was when I should have just gotten over her and moved on, but I didn't...

Instead, we still hung out. I used to drop by her job at the school supply shop between classes, had lunch with her , and talked to her on the phone.

Sometime time during that semester, she had admitted to me that she had e-mailed her High School Crush and asked him if he was available. He had told her that he just broke up with his girlfriend and wasn't ready to start dating again.

Lucky for he she had me around to mess with my head...

(Stay tuned for part 3. Yes this is a long fucking story. )

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