Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentines Day Recap

Yesterday was Valentines day.

I'm not the biggest fan. At first it bothered me because I was always single at the time. Over the years when I got over feeling sad because I was single, I started to dislike Valentines Day more for the whole Hallmark/let's spend money buying crap theme.

Yesterday started off pretty interestingly. I spent the whole day having an "anti-valentines" day attitude but had unconsciously put on a bright red t-shirt. This made everyone at work think I was totally in to the holiday spirit.

However, last night was the closest to a romantic Valentines Day I could say I had.

Last year I had just started dating Wendy and we didn't even get together that day. I can't even remember if I bought her anything.

This year, even though were in limbo, Wendy and I decided to meet last night.

I had bought my mom a shitty, overpriced bouquet of flowers from the convenience store (it's all they had). She really liked the thought. Then I took a single, half closed rose and gave it to Wendy.

Wendy almost sat on it as she came into the car. When she noticed it she really liked it.

We had decided to go for coffee but our time got cut really short since the place closed 30 minutes after we got there.

I told her we had two choices: 1. Drop her off at home 2. Find somewhere to hang out and talk.

We ended up spending 40 minutes driving around her town. She showed me where she went to elementary school and the house she grew up in as a kid.

The whole time I had a bad case of hiccups and she kept making fun of me.

Eventually, she led me back to her house.

We chatted a bit more and I started to tease her. Poke her a bit, etc.

Finally, I couldn't help myself and reached in for a kiss.

We made out for a bit and then I held her in my arms.

It felt good. I hadn't done that in at least month.

We got to talk seriously about us and that also felt good. I'm glad I'm not afraid to talk to her about these things anymore. We both gave each other solid feedback. The only shitty thing is she still doesn't know what she wants.

She's away this weekend so I'm going to play things by ear for a little while . I'm thinking of upping the situation a bit. Start inviting her over again., try to do really stuff and see how she reacts. However, I'm not going to keep this up forever and sooner or later I'm going to tell her either we're dating or not - no more of this limbo stuff.

I don't feel like I'm ready to move on just yet but the longer we keep this up the less I can keep my feeling for her so high.

I hope others had a pleasant V-day as well.

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