Saturday, July 11, 2009

The hesitation sensation

I just got back from my second date with Rock Chick. All in all it was a lot of fun.

The night started when we met at the bar where my friend was hosting this artsy party. There was an arts and crafts table, a 30 minute poetic slide show project and even an interpretive dancer (which was quite weird).

We chatted a lot and I made sure to give lots of eye contact. Something I never paid much attention to before. Besides she has really nice eyes.

we couldn't stay long at the bar party because I had to make the show that I was in the same night, at the other end of downtown. We grabbed a bus and the subway and made it to the comedy club.

The doorman let Rock Chick in for free to watch me perform. Even though I was late, I was allowed to open (introduce) the troupe.

The show went really well and Rock Chick told me she really enjoyed it.

Following the show we went for a midnight meal.

Our date lasted 4 hours!

At the end of the night I was walking with her a bit, towards her side of town, even though it was in the complete opposite direction to where I lived.

I wasn't nervous the whole night and was kind of excited to be on another date but the only think I was hoping to get out of it, my short term goal you can say, was a simple kiss.

We stopped at a street corner and both told each other how much fun we had.

We stared in each others eyes for a split second...

and I hesitated.

Then we talked a bit more, and I still hesitated.

Finally I got real close to her, she didn't flinch or turn back. I I smacked her hand a high five but still kind of kept holding it, and finally went in for the kiss.

That's when my lips hit dead on with her cheek.

I quickly changed plans and went with it and then kissed her other cheek. I couldn't believe how smooth I was. I didn't flinch, or whine or complain.

I can't tell if she just thought that was what I was going for or if she wasn't ready or just wasn't interested, but I doubt she'd want to spend all that time together if it was just a way to make a new friend.

She's going to Mexico for a week but we'll be in touch when she comes back.

Yes, I admit that I am thinking of the events that happened tonight, but compared to my old attitude I'd have left feeling 95% depressed or let down.

While she's away it gives me the best opportunity to contact other girls and see where they may lead.

1 comment:

Dolce said...

The kiss on the cheek was sweet. (that wasn't meant to rhyme) Girls appreciate it when guys don't go in for the kill too soon.

Next time though, DON'T hesitate if the moment arises. Guys can take too long too.