Friday, July 24, 2009

Assuming makes an ASS out of U and ME

During my talk with Rock Chick last night, she mentioned how her parents were visiting and she needed to find something to entertain them with. I suggested this great comedy/dance show I saw a few weeks ago. The way she took in the information made it sound like she wasn't too into it.

In the end, Ira asked me if I wanted to go with him if I didn't mind seeing it again. I accepted and some other friend of mine were going as well.

I was at home eating a pizza and running late, and got there just before the doors opened. Ira had been there before me, talk to... Rock Chick. She actually brought her parents to the show, and loved it!

Of course Ira made me feel super awkward, dropping hints and purposely scheming so I sat next to her and stuff.

After the show Ira pissed the fuck out of me asking "Where's Rock Chick?", "Go talk to her", "Go look for her", etc. I told him not to ell me what to do and talked to my friend for a bit. Rock Chick came by to say goodbye and left with a high five.

Ira and I actually had tickets to another show tonight (a stand up comedian) and I just got home from that. As Ira was saying goodbye he tells me "Don't give up on Rock Chick, she likes you". 5 minutes later in my room, i discover that she called me 20 minutes ago, no message.

I texted he to see if she was still up but looks like the answer is no.

She most probably called to talk about the show and how much fun it was but I just have gut feeling it may have been to give me a a speech similar to that of Catch22's. I know, I know, I shouldn't assume anything but I felt that I've been showing sign of desperation all around her the past couple of times we spoke, and know women can smell it miles away.

Alas, I shall find out next time I speak with her, and you guys will be the first to know.

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