Thursday, December 4, 2008

Filling the gap

So what has Elwood been up since late October? Did he get hurt? Did he fall in love? Has he been out on the adventure of his life? Did he lose his virginity? Did he discover he had super powers?

Well to be honest, nothing much has happened since October 19th.

To try and keep things interesting I'll fill in teh gaps over several posts.


By mid october I was spending countless hours on my halloween costume. It took me several weeks, and lots of carboard and tape to complete. It turned out great! I'd say what it is but it would totally give me away and I don't want to take any chances (it's on youtube!).

I went to a couple of parties and really got a lot of compliments on the costume.

I find it way easier to approach people while in costume because it almost feels like you can pretend you are who you dressed up is, be it a superhero (which I was), a cartoon caracter, a slutty nurse, etc.

So a part of me was hoping to meet soem cool new people (particularly of the female species) but it proved to be a real challenge this year. See my costume was too good. Quickly after intoru=ducing myself, the other person would totally get so distracted with my costume, that all we'd talk about was the costume. Then when that was done, they'd leave not even let me get a chance to chat with them abdout anything non-my-costume related.

An example:
Me: Cool costume! You're a theif right?
Female theif: Yeah, dollar store stuff. Your costume looks crazy! How long did it take?
Me: About 3 weeks. So I'm Elwood whats you're name?
FT: Wow! Wait a minute are you (superhero from recent movie)?? That's amazing!
Me: Yes I am... so you go to University? What are you studying?
FT: Wow I can't believe you amde this all by yourself!
Me: Yeah I did, out of cardboard and duct tape... and i even have some lights. Look (Non enthusiastically on lights).
Three other people walking by (in unisen): HOLY FUCK! HE'S (Superhero from recent movie) !

By then it was impossible to even breath. Dont get me wrong, I love attention, but I also wantesd to meet people.

I think I was hoping a repeat of what happened during halloween in the past. On 2 halloweens I ended up making otu with someone adn it was nice. Last year I was dating Wendy and didn't care. So yeah, I guess after putting so much effort into my costume and not even getting a chance to meet one girl, let alone make out with someone, kind of put me down.

Overall I did have a great time and alrady have an idea for next years Halloween costume!


Trips said...

Yeaaaaa! Thanks for the post! There is always Christmas/ New Years - two great making out holidays! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed (put up some mistletoe!)


Iron Man?! Did I get it right?

You should get one of those mistletoe headband thingy's...and wear it around the the holiday parties! You'll be sure to get some good makeout then! Good luck!

Dolce said...

Other kissing holidays are coming up! Mistletoe and New Year's kissing... You should try and cop a feel.

Girls like that!

Lizzie said...

Halloween is rough for starting up anything significant if for no other reason that a lot of times it's hard to get around said costume to get any quality kissing in.. I agree with Dolce - shoot for New Years :)

Famously Single said...

I agree with everyone about the holidays! It's the perfect opportunity. Or you can do what I like to do and just get wasted at the bar and randomly make out with someone. Unless you're looking for quality over quantity :)