Saturday, December 13, 2008

I was wrong, you were right...

As the great Adam Sandler says it in Happy Gilmore:

"I'm stupid, you're smart; I was wrong, you were right; you're the best, I'm the worse; You're very good looking, I'm not attractive; "

You told me to be patient and to not write it off yet.
Today my friend Slymm called me. He was the one who invited me to the party to begin with. He was also curious as to what happened that night. He wanted to know if I got catch22's number.

I told him the whole sorry and he even told me not to worry about it and it doesn't mean anything yet.

Well, after hanging up and arriving home (he called while i was in my parents car on my way home), I go into my room, turn on my computer, check facebook and low and behold:

22 accepted your friend request.

I waited a while contemplating what to write. I even sent Slymm a message on MSN about it. He called me back later and was really happy to hear it.

I'm trying really hard not to make a repeat of this situation. Basically, nothing has even happened yet and already several people are rooting for me. Slymm was telling me how he "really saw something" from Catch22 and I chatting at the party. He went on and on.

That's great but lets give this a little time, some breathing space.

I told him how I had this plan on inviting her to my show tomorrow night (I perform comedy one a week at a theatre). He said that it wasn't a good idea. That it defeats the purpose of being alone with her and getting to know her. He has a good point. He told me I'll have a chance to let her see me in action in the future, if all goes well.

Well after avoiding it all day, I finally sent Catch22 a message on Facebook:

Hi Catch22,
It was fun hanging out with you and Laura last Saturday.
I am no longer a Greasey Spoon Restaurant virgin.

Hope you had a good week. Mine wasn't bad. I finished my book and now I want to read Catcher In The Rye sometime soon.

Was wondering if you'd like to go for coffee or something sometime next week? Monday perhaps?

Have a great lazy Sunday,

Now all I can do is wait.

1 comment:

Famously Single said...

Have the confidence that she is in to you. I have a good feeling. Can't wait to see what happens!!