Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Oh Well...

So I think it's safe to say I won't be hearing from Catch22.

Now I know some of you may be thinking "Don't sound so eager, it's only been 4 days", well that's what my room mate said to me. However, in this day and age everyone uses facebook and as soon as they get a friend request they add them. Heck I sometimes add people I don't even know by accident.

If she had added me and then given me the opportunity to ask her out and then not replied that would make more sense. Not adding me at all must mean one of the following:

1. I sent the add to the wrong person - I double checked and no, I sent it to the write Catch22.

2. She liked talking to me but really feels she's not ready to meet new guys

3. She met someone else at the party and they hit it off first -Maybe that gorgeous blond is bisexual.

4. Once I left the cab, the car got abducted by aliens and that is why she hasn't been able to check facebook.

Whatever. I had fun at the party either way and I'm sure I'll meet more people at more parties!


Famously Single said...

I can not believe this shit! She is obviously not worthy of you. So could we be Facebook friends?

Trips said...

hmmm...there have been times when I've neglected facebook for a few days or more... I wouldn't totally write it off yet. Like you said, I always add almost everyone that asks (only if I have NEVER heard of them do I click no)

Dolce said...

I've ignored facebook before. I get busy and it's at the bottom of my priority list when in comes to things I do on the internet(i.e. blogging, work, shopping online). Don't get your undies in a bundle so quickly.



I neglect facebook too...some its not a big deal really. Have patience!
Next time you'll know to get her number before "she" leaves the cab!
Just have patience. I'm sure she'll acept your friend request when she gets to it.