Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What's the point of excitment if it's taken away?

My day started with a pleasant surprise.

When I arrived at work, I checked my e-mail to see that I received a message on Facebook from Catch22, sent from last night. Basically it was just her asking me how my trip was and telling me about her Christmas.

Then she says:
So yes, I'm back in town just in time for my New Year's Eve plans to totally fall through. Bugger!
Anyway I think I'll hit the harbor for some skating tomorrow evening and then possibly this party at a bar. If you're free it would be great to have company. Otherwise let me know when you're up for that coffee...

So, I"m sure you can guess that I was pretty happy to read this.

I already made last minute plans last night so I wasn't sure what to write but I had to get my work started so I decided to think about it while I worked.

I only had to work half the day, packing boxes with my co-worker (almost everyone is on vacation). When we were done I decided that I'd let her know about the party I am going to and see what she says about that. However when I opened my e-mail, I had received a second message.

This one not sounding as good:
Hey, turns out I'm going to skip town tonight - my family is celebrating in Small Town Outside Of The City (4 hours), so I'm catching a train this morning!
Catch ya later,

That was sent during the middle of my shift.

I highly doubt that had I gotten back to her sooner, she would have ditched her family to hang out with me, but I'm wondering if I had missed my chance.

In any case, I wrote back to her saying that I was going to invite her to the party I am going to and that it's too bad that she's going to be out of town. I also left her my phone number , saying that she should give me a call when she gets back and we can go for coffee.

Now the ball is in her court.

In the end it's probably better that we're not meeting up since I still feel pretty sick. My throat isn't sore anymore but my nose is still stuffy, and my chest is starting to hurt.

I probably shouldn't even go out tonight but I would rather be out and sick then home all alone and lonely (RM1 and RM2 are out of town). So, I'm going to take a nice nap now, wake up, eat a good hardy meal, get all dressed up (I'm wearing a suit tonight!) and then head over to the party with my newly purchased bottle of Bailey's and a litre of milk and see how the night goes!

Happy New Years everyone!


Famously Single said...

I hate when people do that. That's why you have to have your own life and your own plans! Hope dating goes great in 2009 :)

Dolce said...

um...I think the ball is in your court.

Yes, she did cancel on a date she invited you to, but she still asked you out and all you said was you were going to invite her to a party, but didn't.

You need to make the next move. Seriously.