Sunday, April 26, 2009

A friend indeed

Today was one an amazingly nice day outside. It was warm and so many people were out and about. I ended up spending pretty much the whole day with my friend Yoga Dude.

I met Yoga dude about a year ago at an improv class I was taking. We ended up both attending the same theatre frequently and soon became friendly. Eventually, we even joined the same comedy group and now we hang out quite a bit since we do shows together all the time.

Today was nice because we really hung out and just joked around a lot. First we started with lunch and then hit up a spot at a park and relaxed while I played some guitar. We eventually did a Flight Of The Conchords style sung we made up on the spot about going to the park to watch people have sex, or some such none sense. It was hilarious.

We went for ice cream and then split up only to meet up a couple of hours later since we were in the same show tonight.

Still it being beautiful outside, we went for a walk towards our area of town and hung out for a snack before calling it a night.

My time with Yoga Dude today really reminded me of how i spent time with my really good buddy, Spider Dude (wow my nick names are so original and unique...). With both of them, it was just fun to walk around and talk about stuff and shoot the shit, laugh, and just talk about anything.

It's weird, but my whole time I was with Wendy, I never felt the same connection, nor have I with any other girl I've met since her. It's funny to ask but shouldn't it feel that way when you have a significant other? I mean I always read in ads how the girl wants to be friends first and all. However, on the other hand, I sometimes feel like I have to act differently since I don't want them to just become that, a friend.

Any thoughts?

1 comment:

Trips said...

I've been trying to think about this. It could be that you just have more practice being yourself around other guys, and you are still just too nervous to let your guard down around women. I would say that you need to develop a great friendship with a girl first, and then maybe worry about the romantic aspect later. Or you just could be gay! :)