Friday, April 3, 2009

The Mish-Mash Post

Yikes! It's been over a week since I last posted. What has been going on you may ask? The short answer: Not a whole lot...

Ok, now for "Not a whole lot" in detail:


For the past few weeks I've just been insane busy with work. I've been pulling in over time left, right and center. This past monday marked the first time I worked a 12 hour day.

I was working on something just when my computer program fucked up and crashed and I lost everything so I decided to bite the bullet, switch gears to other work I needed done the next day and worked an extra 2 and a half hours (time already being 6:30pm).


I booked a ticket to go to Chicago. My team is registered in the Chicago Improv Festival (CIF). We're doing 3 show and I'm in two of them. If you live in Chicago you may get a chance to see me live! Just look for the tall skinny Jewish guy with glasses and curly hair. I'm sure you can find me out of the 100s of troupes and shows going on that week.

I'm pretty excited about it though. I've been putting off asking for the days off work for a long time now since I was afraid to ask my boss but I finally asked him and he said it was ok.

I have the greatest parents in the world since they gave me their Air Miles and my flight was free!

A fun thing about the festival is that there are all kinds of workshops, shows and parties going on. I'm really hoping to just meet lots of people from all over the world. It'll remind me of my time in Australia.


Over the past month I've had so many connections with people through the net. I realized I never mentioned what happened to any of them. That's because nothing exciting has happened.

Comic Book Girl
How'd we meet: Through
The story: Started messaging on the site back and forth over a couple of days. Got MSN address and real e-mail address. Sent her e-mail but no response. Got one a week later saying she was busy but wants to meet.
What happened: Never heard from her again. I wrote back with suggestions of things to do. Never got a response.
Plan of action: That was probably a month ago. Should I e-mail her again?

Older Chick
How'd we meet: Through Craigslist
The story: We e-mailed back and forth and went for a beer after a few stalls ( I was sick, she was busy, etc.)
What happened: She seemed nice but i wasn't realy into her in that way. She has a group she put together through craigslist that gets together every two weeks and jams out on guitars. I started going to it and it was fun.
Plan of action: To continue hanging out at the jams. There are a few cute girls there that perhaps I'll get to know better in the future.

How'd we meet: Through
The story: We messaged back and forth and then arranged a date. I took her out to an italian restaurant for pizza followed by a circus show. I had fun but had a hard time paying attention to her. At the end of the date, our goodbye was pretty awkward and she said "You're funny" but in a "You're strange/weird" way rather than in a "You're hilarious" kind of way.
What happened: She told me she was going to San Francisco for 10 days. I figured that was a good clean slate to end things. However, tonight she gave me a call and now we're to potentially hang out this weekend.
Plan of action: I have no fucking clue! I don't mind giving it another chance, but I'm really afraid I'm just going to go for it because I can. The easiest people to fall for are the ones that are into me. However, it is too soon to know that she is into me or not anyways although, just by the fact she called me back makes me believe she must have some interest in me. Any advice?

Quick Chick
How'd we meet:
The story: Sent messages back and forth over a couple of days. Asked her out. She said yes but misunderstood I meant that night and we never met.
What happened: I asked her out a second time and made it extremely clear as to which night I wanted to meet. Never heard from her again. (Hence the name Quick Chick)
Plan of action: I'm not going to do anything.

Speed Dating Girl
How'd we meet: Speed Dating Event
The story: Went to a speed dating event and she was one of my matches. I was really busy with work but when I finally sent her an e-mail she said she was going out of town for the weekend but suggested we hang out when she got back.
What happened: Never heard from her.
Plan of action: Should I send her another e-mail? It's also been a few weeks.

British Chick

How'd we meet: Craigslist
The story: Read a nice ad asking if anyone remembered the 80's. Wrote back and she liked what I had to say. She gave me her real e-mail address and added me on MSN. Then she went away out of the city for a few days for work.
What happened: Not too much. We've spoken maybe 3 min at a time on MSN.
Plan of action: To chat online for more than 3 minutes, try to get her number and then call her for a date.

PHEW! That was a lot to type...

It's late and I need sleep!

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