Wednesday, March 25, 2009

St Patricks Day Shenanigans - A.K.A It was like being 21 again

In My City, they have an annual St Patricks Day parade. The whole city runs downtown and drinks in the streets. Is it like this in other cities? This year the parade the weekend after the actual day, which was this past weekend.

The parade started at 12pm but I decided instead of running out to the parade, I would stay home and cook instead. I was dying to make this chicken stir fry dish and had already defrosted the chicken a couple of days before, so it was now or never to use it.

I figured I'd be a tad late from my cooking adventure. It took me roughly three hours to make a stir fry. I'm a slow cook it seems.

I got a call from my buddy Tall Bob whom I was supposed to meet at the parade asking me where I was. I told him I'd be there soon, so I rushed out of the house and ate my meal on the bus.

I arrived at the meeting spot at 3:30pm way after the parade ended. I had in my bag 2 cans of Guiness and chugged one to "catch up" to Tall Bob and his friends.

We were at a small tiny bar that was pretty empty. TB introduced me to this chick, whom he knew from before and had the hots for. I didn't pay much attention and bought a pitcher of beer.
Later I noticed Tall Bob chatting up the girl but saw that her hand was rubbing the back of another guy who ended up being Tall Bob's friend, without Tall Bob noticing.

Still being oblivious, Tall Bob gets himself, the girl, her friend, Tall Bob's friend and I all into a cab to his place. However, the girl and her friend, totally smashed, convince us to go to their place.

We arrive, the girls friend passes out instantly and Tall Bob's friend ends up in the girls room, with the girl.

Tall Bob is pissed.

So like any drunk, pissed off guy, we headed to a bar and got even more drunk.

After 2 more pints and an Irish Car Bomb I was really feeling it. I was so drunk and on the prowl I was checking out every girl in the room. At one point I kind of wished Wendy would walk in. How pathetic... I gues thats the punishment for getting so drunk.

No wait, puking! Puking is the punishment thats what came next.

After teh bar, we finally made it to Tall Bob's place and I'm nto sure how much time had past since I walked in the door, but i ended straight and his toilet puking my guts out.

Eventually I ended up on his floor passed out and everyone was walking buy waking me up and telling me stuff.

After puking 3 times total, I left, grabbed a bus, got into the metro and headed home. Just as we approached my metro stop, my stomache felt queasy again. I ended up puking a bit in my mouth before the doors open for me to lunge for the nearest garbage can and puke out the rest.

I somehow managed to get home and passed out by 9pm. I ended up sleeping 10 hours!

I hadn't of been that drunk and sick since I was 21. I don't I ever want to drink again...

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