Friday, January 6, 2012

I'm back

I can't explain it, but after giving up on this blog for just over a year, I feel like writing again.

A brief history

I started this thing in 2007 when my first girlfriend and I were in the midst of breaking up. We had dated for over a year. I had never dated anyone before and at the age of 26, it was a big deal.

Although we got along, not much happened in the relationship. We never had sex and I was still a virgin. It was bound to end.

I started the blog because a few of my friends had one and it seemed like a good way to figure things out about dating.

After I got over my ex (it took a while) I started going on dates and wrote about my adventures.

People started to take some notice of this blog, but then I lost interest in writing.

To my surprise, I found out that a bunch of my readers were women and they wanted me to continue writing. So I did.

Eventually it got boring since I was running out of things to say... until I lost my virginity at the age of 28 to a friend (on my mom's birthday to boot) and shortly after I met Indie Rock Girl.

We had dated for 3 months before moving away. She was awesome and totally different than my first girlfriend. Plus we had lots of sex.

Within the year after she left I I went on some dates (but not much) until December of 2010 where I dated a new girl for almost a month before insulting her on her kissing (total accident) and never hearing from her again (I found out recently, within a week of the incident, she'd been set up with a guy and they've been happily together for the past year).

By then writing got boring again. After 3 years it was the same old and my dates went dry so didn't have much to talk about, so I stopped.

Until now.

So what has happened to me in the past year? A lot.

- New job (hated the old one / love the new one).

- New apartment and roommate. She's awesome and we talk about a lot of things.

- New dress style. While moving a friend of mine helped me rid of all my old/ill fitting/ugly clothing. Now I dress with more fitted clothes and enjoy wearing ties and dress shirts when I can.

- Lots and lots of dates. After I got over my first ex, I made a vow to go on a date with 10 other girls. It took me about a year to do so. Now, I've been on at least 15 dates in the past 6 months. Some were good, some were bad. All have a "story" to them, which I hope to write about in the future.

I also got an iPhone so it'll be easier for met to update. I'm going to try and keep my posts as short and concise so I can spread then out (looks like I already failed with this post).

I still weigh the same though (a whopping 130lbs for my 6'1" frame.



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