Wednesday, May 20, 2009


To my surprise Take My Time Girl actually wrote back to me and suggested we meet on Sunday instead of Saturday.

I was going to write back but didn't get a chance until I got home tonight. However, I noticed her on MSN and said hello. Again, I painstakingly needed to wait forever for a reply. It's now super obvious she's not interested in talking to me but I was curious to see if she was still up for meeting.

I ask if she's available on Sunday. Answer: Yes
I ask if she wants to go for brunch. Answer: No
Reason: I need to sleep in, I don't get it during the week (ok... makes sense). I'm sorry, I need my weekends.

Well... if you need your weekends to yourself, why did you suggest we meet up on the weekend? If she wasn't interested to begin with she could have just not replied at all. I would have got the hint.

So being completely frustrated, I just told her I had to go to bed and even before I could say goodnight, she said it first.

My next move: I deleted her from my MSN.

Onto the next fish in the sea.

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