Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Call Back

Elwood: "So I waited 3 days, gave her a call and immediately got her answering machine"
Friend: "Did you leave your number"
Elwood: "Yup. It's been over a day and no return call, what should I do?"
Friend: "Drop her. She isn't calling you"


I know its still possibe she could call but my friend is right. No point waiting, expecting a reply, etc. I think thats it for Music Girl.

In other news: I came home late from doing a show, too tired to prepare anything for lunch. Decided I'd buy lunch until I opened the fridge to get a drink and noticed a sandwich I forgot I made the night before.

Thank you Elwood From The Past

1 comment:

erin said...

Just a thought... You waited 3 days to call her. Maybe she's just waiting to call you back?