Sunday, April 6, 2008

LIving the old days

When I was in University, because I knew a lot of people, I'd have multiple parties to attend in one night. Being, the social person I am, I felt it was obligation to go to every party.

Tonight brought me back to my younger years (a.k.a 3-5 years ago) because I had three parties to go to.

So my evening started with me meeting a potential roomate to live with since I'm planning on moving downtown.

He seemed like a really cool guy but I'm afraid to commit since he's not in a stable job and he has no furnisher.

While having coffee with him, I received a call from Victoria.

Basically, I get together with a bunch or people and we play fun games to laugh at each other (it's not exactly like that but I am writing an anonymous blog and I can't give too much away about my real life). Anyways, I met Victoria at one of the workshops about a month ago.

So when I met Victoria, out of just chatting, I ended up giving her my business card. A few days later she calls me up and wants to go for coffee. I happened to have been at a party and I invited her. She came and liked it.

A week later I called her to see if she was free to hang. She wasn't but i saw her at Workshop again.

Another week passed by and then it was tonight. She had called me. Unfortunately I was with the potential roomate so I had to let her go and said I"ll call her back in 10 minutes, which I did. No answer, so I left a message.

After saying my goodbyes to Potential Roomate, I headed ot party number 1 which was at an Irish Pub.

It was the birthday celebration of someone I met while at a job seminar. While finishing up dinner, I get a call from Victoria (like 3 hours after i had left a message). She apologized for not calling me back sooner but something came up and she had to leave her apartment (she doesn't have a mobile phone, just a lan line). After chatting for a few minutes, something came up and she had to go and said she'd call me back later.

I then finished up and headed to party number 2.

This was a friend from University's birthday celebration at his apartment.

I was having a nice chill time at his place and then I get another call from Victoria.

She couldn't believe that I was at yet another party.

Out of pure coincidence, it seems that she always calls me when I"m at a party, giving her the impression I'm this huge social party person. The funny thing being that in University I was but since a lot of my friends moved away and then I met Wendy, I didn't go out as much.

She didn't want to be rude so she was going to go, but I told her it was chill party and i had time to talk.

We talked for like 30 minutes. I may be completely wrong, but I think she may like me. Our conversation was fun but so weird. She was telling me how she had to study and how she felt rude talking to me on the phone while i was at a party but yet I kept making her laugh and she kept staying on the phone. Then she made a remark about how when she always talks to me we end up on the phone all night.

I was utterly confused since I had only talked to her on the phone maybe twice and it wasn't really about anything more than trying to make plans.

She then told me that she's busy with exams and can't go out until after April 18th, unless it's for a 15 minute type deal, stressing she won't go out to any parties with me (like I"m some party freak - which I'm not!). However, while winding down on the phone and about to hang up she says "Call me for coffee sometime soon" so I asked if she meant after April 18th and she said no.

I guess she wants me to call her...?

So that was kind of cool and weird.

To make things even weirder, I ended up at party number 3 which was Leigh's birthday celebration.

It was TONS of fun. We went to this cool bar that played all this old 60s and 70s retro music (most places don't play that old kind of stuff).

While there I saw so many hot chicks, and for the first time, instead of trying to be suave and try and approach them, I took a tip from The Game and just tried ignoring them as much as possible.

Nothing happened, but I didn't care! I was having too much fun!

That place was even the spot Wendy and I first made out, and you know what? It didnt' bother me one bit.

I then ended up getting a text message from Potential Roomate. He happened to be downstairs (the place had 2 floors) for his friend's birthday party.

So headed down to party number 4!

While there I realized recognized a lot of people since they were all at my friend's party from last weekend.

That's when i noticed that Sheira was there as well.

Not being drunk and seeing that she was smashed, I tried to avoid her the whole night.

Finally at last call, as I walked out of the bathroom, she spotted me, poked me, smiled and said "I'll see you tomorrow at 3!" since we're supposed to meet for coffee. Then she ran off drunkly.

I"m not counting on her showing up because after the bar closed (at 3am) her and the rest of the group were heading to some guys apartment for an after party.

It looked like she was all over a bunch of guys.

I was never expecting anything, but now I have a feeling for sure that i"m just an after thought.

No worries. I'm sure it'll be fun tomorrow. As long as I don't feel shitty.

Crap it's 4:11am and I got lots to do tomorrow!

Goodnight all!


JRM said...

First, if Sheira poked you and said see you at 3, you are NOT an afterthought!!! Not even close!

Second, YES Victoria wants you to call her. Verbal 2x4! ;)

What a fun weekend you are having! :)

Elwood said...

Whats verbal 2 x 4?