Sunday, March 2, 2008

The response

Upon returning from breakfast this morning, I noticed an e-mail from Wendy in my inbox:


I'm really sorry it has been such a stressful week for you, and even more sorry that I somehow contributed into making it that way. I've wanted to call you but thought maybe it was a good idea to see what happened if I didn't, which resulted in us not speaking for 5 days. On my way home last night I said to myself I was gonna call today because I missed you and wanted to see you.

I also don't like the situation we put ourselves in here. Part of me thinks it may have been a mistake to try and fix things for the past 2 months because it didn't get us anywhere..Having said that, don't think for a second that I didn't enjoy every minute I spent with you (even the ones you were getting us lost).

Please don't feel bad about wanting me to make a decision, you wanted to know what I wanted and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm very sorry about not being able to tell you. I think if we really wanted to get back together we wouldn't have waiting this long and we would have figured it out by now. That's not to say we haven't tried in the last 2 months because I think we did..but the fact that I still had doubts (I don't know if you did or not) I think says something. It doesn't say anything bad about either one of us, just maybe that we're not meant to be.

You have never done anything to warrant me hating you, and this certainly doesn't qualify as a reason. You have been nothing but supportive and kind and you have always treated me with respect. You still mean a lot to me as well, and will for a long time. I would love nothing more than for us to be friends. It would hurt me a lot if that wasn't able to happen.

I get that you need some time to yourself, but know that I am here when you're ready.

I miss you already..


I have to say I find it really eerie how we're always on the same wave length. Here I was thinking this past week that I would wait and see what happened if I didn't call her for a few days, and then I find out she had the exact same thoughts!

It's funny how we both feel so real and attached when discussing this subject but our actual relationship seemed to lack that and didn't always feel right.

I'm glad she gave me a response. It makes me feel a lot better and i"m happy to hear she's going to respect my request to be alone for a while.


JRM said...

:-) Bittersweet!

Leigh said...

Good for you El.

I would offer you a night of drinking.. but alas, my latest blog post speaks for itself... (keep your april 5 free though.. ahem.. you owe me a birthday night since you were so lame about it last year! ;) due in part to that wendy, I suspect...)

Anyhoo, I'm proud of you!