Monday, January 7, 2008

Elwoods Dating Stories 1 - First Kiss

Unlike most people, I only had my first kiss when I was 23.

I was so shy being around girls growing up that I never even kissed someone as a joke (ex: truth or dare).

I don't know why I was shy around girls I just was. Maybe it was my lack of female interaction. I don't have any sisters, or cousins close to my age whom I hung out with. I only started making real female friends in University. I think a big reason for that was I was one of those "I have a crush on every girl" kind of guys (I think I still am...). That probably turned off a lot of girls from talking to me. I hear that have radar that can tell when I guy likes them and then it''s all "shields up!".

Things changed a bit in University. I became super outgoing. I met tons of people, males and females. Although I wasn't close to even less than half of them, there was a time when I could walk down the hallway and know about 100 people.

The reason for that? I was really big in participating with Frosh (freshman week parties).

It all started my freshman year in 2000.

I payed 50$ to meet and party with about a 1000 people (new and old students) of 3 days.
I had such a good time I was sucked in.

I moved up the ranks:
The following year I was a Frosh Leader, taking care of all the freshman and making sure they were having a blast. I did such a good job and made so many friends in the faculty of Science, I was asked to organize Frosh for 2002.

Organizing Frosh was so much fun but so intense that I decided to demote myself to Super Volunteer. That meant I could do everything for free like an Organizer, but less responsibility.

So the summer of 2003 is when I had my first kiss

I met Pekoe (her nickname will make sense later) at a friend's bbq. She seemed pretty cute and I could see a guy or two trying to chat her up. Eventually I talked to her but wasn't trying anything.

A couple of weeks later, when Frosh started, I had bumped into her a bunch of times. She was a Frosh Leader, and i being a Super Volunteer, our paths crossed a lot during the day (the main difference being she was able to get trashed and party, while i had to set up and clean up the areas we used to party).

Frosh is typically 3 days, and at the 3 nights there is a party at a club or bar.

On the second night, I left early to go catch a Bjork Concert (it was really good but I was so exhausted from the partying, that I fell asleep at the show...). After the show, my energy got a second whim and I wen to the bar where the party was being held.

Weirdly enough, at the bar, I bumped into a cousin of mine who was visiting for Out of Town. I didn't even know he was in My City. He was looking to meet girls and i introduced him to some friends but we ended up hanging out with Pekoe and her friends most the night.

At the end of the night my cousin brought us back to his hotel room. I could tell her really wanted to get it on with Pekoe but she wanted nothing to do with him and I ended up being a gentleman and walked her home.

On the last night of Frosh, things got very interesting. I live far from the downtown area and needed a place to crash. Someone I knew said she wasn't going back to her apartment after the party and said I could have her bed.

Turns out she was Pekoe's roommate!

At the club, I had a fucking blast! Dancing around, grinding with girls (most of them friends) and just drinking the night away. I kept dancing with Pekoe as well.

We took a break and she even told me she thought I was cute.

All night I probably had a chance to make out with her but remember, I'm shy! SO nothing happened.

Finally, at the end of the night I walked her home. We held hands! I was super excited. (this was the first time I ever got affection from someone else, little did I know that alcohol does that to people).

Inside her apartment we talked for a while and I could tell she wanted to kiss me but I was so shy.

Finally I pulled the most unromantic cheap shot. I told her I've never been kissed.

She laughed. Then asked if I wanted my first kiss. I said OK.

Such a high school moment but hey, I never had that experience in high school.

We kissed.

It felt weird to me. So weird that I blurted out: "Wow! That tasted like Jelly Fish!". As you can tell, I had a lot to drink.

Following that embarrassing moment by saying something like "you're hair looks like Orange Pekoe!". Her hair was this dirty orange/red which I quite liked. Her reaction to that was "Orange Pekoe? Thats' not a color! Thats a tea flavor!.

We kissed some more and then she changed into something "more comfortable".

Had I not been so shy, this story would also be named "First Time I Had Sex", but instead of trying anything, I went in her bed and slept.

This may explain why she never called me back...


Heartslam said...

Hey, I finally got a google account and now I can comment on your blog! I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but it's really cool how...innocent you are. Don't try and live life by another person's timeline for when you should do certain things. I mean that sincerely.

Elwood said...

Welcome to the fold!

Thanks. You're not the first person to tell me that.

I know for a fact that I sometimes put on a facade of being more innocent than I am about certain things (usually around family members) but when it comes to dating I don't know why, I just am the way I am.

I'm starting to realize I"m just different but there is nothing wrong with that.

My friend Body Builder is a the biggest player, but her only lost his virginity at 28. He tells me he's just a few years behind everyone else.

Maybe I am as well.