Thursday, January 17, 2008

Elwood's Dating Stories 1 - High School Part 1

I've been thinking a lot lately and realized that the reason I'm so nervous around women may come from my childhood. I never grew up with a good interaction with the female species. I don't have any sisters or any female cousins close to my age to have hung out with growing up. I never had any female friends either. So when I hit high school, things were not like the O.C. filled with lots of dating and breaking up and all that drama.


My high school experience was more like this:

In grade 7 there was this nerdy girl in my class, Michelle. Everyday before school ended, she'd come up to me and say goodbye. At first I didn't think much of it but then I noticed that she was doing it every day. Being the nerdy 13 year old I was, that got me excited. I spent all of elementary school getting picked on by everyone and now this girl with long thick hair, deep voice and giant glasses was actually noticing me and being nice!

After weeks of being nervous around her I came up with this horrible idea to write her a note saying how much I liked her. I think I wrote a whole novel. I can't remember what I wrote but I remember it being a big piece of paper double sided without skipping lines.

I was so nervous, I think I just approached her after class and threw the note all folded up at her and ran out of class. I spent the whole bus ride home cursing at myself for doing something so stupid.

Needless to say, she never spoke to me again.

Ok that's not entirely true. I stopped hanging out with her and then in grade 8 or 9 she moved to another city and I never saw her again.

In grade 8 things didn't get any better. By then I had established my group of friends - 3 guys. Meanwhile the rest of the grade (and all the girls) was pretty much labeled as "The cool group". I remember how I'd do stupid things all the time just to feel accepted by them.

At my school we'd have a dance about once every few months. It'd basically be everyone crammed into the school gym with lights and music. The odd time it was a video dance.

I remember in grade 8 I had gone to the dance and was having a really good time. At one point there was a song I liked but none of my friends were around to dance with me. I remember thinking "Hey! I'm having such a good time in high school! This is great! I don't need to have my friends dancing with me! I'm Mr. Cool. I'll just dance here all by myself."

Then this girl in my grade came up to me and smacked me across the face.

She threatened to kill me if she ever caught me dancing again.

Ah... high school memories.
Oddly enough most of what I remember is that much better...

Don't worry there's plenty more to come!


Heartslam said...

That's awful. If you don't like someone's dancing, avert your eyes. There's no need to turn to violence.

Elwood said...

It's ok.

Because after that day, I 'd show her; I'd show the world!

So I did years of dance training and finally it paid off for I won So You Think You can Dance and became the best dancer in the country!

Well... that would have been cool I guess... but it's not true... I still dance like Cousin Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel Air