Sunday, January 20, 2008

Elwood's Dating Stories 2 - High School Part 2

By grade 10 everyone in my school year was starting to get a bit older, more mature, and more attractive.
By now everyone was dating everyone else. You had a circle of friends where everyone had swapped with to someone else one way or the other.

Not I, though; not I.

I was definitely in my "I have a crush on every girl" phase (which probably lasted for many years after high school and comes back from time to time). I would try to talk and impress every girl with something to get their attention. Also, any girl that gave me attention would drive me wild and I'd think maybe, just maybe, there was some chance she could be my girlfriend.

One such person was Blondie. She was a really fun and cute girl who hung out with the "cool bunch" but also talked to my friends and I in the "not so cool" groups.

Every year, my school would send us all to a camp up north for a weekend of fun and games and learning to be nice to other people and become leaders, etc. I was put in a group with Blondie and developed a huge crush on her.

One night there was a dance and I ended up dancing beside her. I ended up revealing that i had a crush on someone but not her. She kept trying to pry out of me who it was but I was too chicken to admit it was her.

A week later back at school, our yearbooks had arrived. Naturally, everyone was writing notes in each others' books. Things like "have a great summer!" or "Gym class sucks!", etc. (remember, this was only grade 10).

Not I, though; not I.

I got a hold of Blondie's yearbook and wrote "The person I have a crush on is you!" or something like that.

I was so scared after writing that, I avoided her for a while. I think she was happy because she never approached me about it. Then I tried getting a friend of mine to talk to her about it and find out what she thought about me.

Soon enough, it became "There's Something About Blondie" because the friend I asked to help me out developed a crush on Blondie as well. Meanwhile Blondie was into my other friend, and eventually they went out.

Grade 10 wasn't all that bad. I started getting invited to the "cool bunch" parties since I was less nerdy, but alas, none of the girl in my grade wanted to date or really hang around me.

At least i had my Super Nintendo.

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