Monday, January 21, 2008

The pseudo-date

Since Wendy and I broke up we got together once. We went to a comedy show where a bunch of my friends were attending (and performing).

Tonight is the first time that we're hanging out just the two of us.

Last night I had the biggest urge to call her for coffee. I was both excited and nervous. In the end I decided not to. Besides being afraid of what is going on, it was extremely cold and it was getting late and i figured she'd just say no.

Later, she called me and we talked. When I told Wendy how I was tempted to call her for coffee but thought she'd say no because it was cold outside, she sounded a bit disappointed. , saying "how'd you know I would have said no". This is interesting because the Wendy I remember when we dated totally would have said no. She'd have complained it was late and too cold to go anywhere. Maybe our situation is changing our habits?

I feel like all my early relationship anxieties have returned lately. On the phone I wanted to ask her for coffee for tonight and I was actually scared. I'm not sure why. I guess I'm afraid of her saying no, and no being a huge deal because that's like saying "no we'll never get back together". Also me worrying about us getting back together is even worse. I don't want to make an issue out of this.

Then something I didn't expect happened: she said yes.

Not only did she say yes, it went like this:

Elwood: "Um... so.. would you like to go for coff..."
Wendy "yes"
Elwood: " tomorrow night?"

I'm running late (still at work) but we decided to go for pizza instead.

I promise to post how it goes.

Got to run!

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