Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Elwood's Dating Stories 3 - Prom

The image I had of prom growing up was from what I'd seen in American movies. I thought it would be fun, entertaining, magical, a real life experience. In grade eleven I discovered something important in life:

Movies aren't real!

My prom sucked ass.

Well maybe it was fun for some people but I had a horrible experience.

At he beginning of the year, one of my best friends (I was his only friend for the first 4 years of high school) decided he wanted to start hanging out with the "cool bunch" in his senior year and told me to fuck off.

Throughout the year, everyone was making plans to get limousines, suits, dress, etc. One of my other best friends, lets call him Compulsive Liar, well because thats what he was (and I didn't know this yet), promised me he could get our friends a deal on a limousine because his uncle owned a business. Believing him, i never made arrangements to get a limo. As the year progressed, I had to constantly ask him what was going on because he never confirmed that we got one and never asked me for money.

The story kept evolving. In the end, he told me it wasn't his uncle's business but his cousin's friend or some nonsense like that.

Finally after bugging him so much he just stopped talking to me. On prom night, Compulsive Liar showed up alone, in his parents car.

Meanwhile, my third and last best friend, Best Friend, had a crush on a girl from another school. Now since Other School Girl was friends with someone in our grade, he weaseled his way into their car (a Cadillac) and completely ditched me, leaving me all alone.

Aside from car troubles, I didn't have a date.

I really wanted a date and even singled out a girl who gave me a lot more attention that usual that year.

I was shy and didn't know how to ask her so I waited until the next school video dance. When it was time for a slow song I asked her for a dance. One of my friends described that dance as follows:

"You were standing arms with apart, holding her, with your mouth open and your head staring out into space!"

I was so nervous I kept looking out and very slowly asked her "Hey.... would... you... like to... go .. to... prom.................. with me.....?"

She said she would like to but unfortunately she already had a date, possibly, with an old childhood friend.

I was devastated.

A couple of days later I decided not to give up on that and approached her asking if the friend

didn't work out, if i could go with her. To which she said that if that were the case she'd go with her brother.

Prom day finally arrived. I had no limo, all my really close friends were either not talking to me or with other people and I had no date.


I ended up going to the hotel in my dad's piece of shit minivan sitting on garbage bags, to not dirty my rented tux, with 2 guy friends who also had no dates.

On the way there we were passed by all kinds of limos and fancy cars with couples and grousp of friends. Sigh...

I got the hotel and we had dinner with our parents, followed by their departure and a crazy dance party.

The dance party was ok. I saw the girl I asked to be my date and she was there alone with no date, hanging out with her girl friends. Gee, thanks for lying!

After the party, Iwe made it upstairs to our hotel room. Everyone was drinking or smoking. I wasn't into any of that stuff back then so I wasn't having a very good time.

Finally we all decided to try and hit a bar. So I grabbed Best Friend and said "lets get the guys together and go!"

Everyone ran off for adventures.

Meanwhile, Best friend was sulking over the fact that his date, Other School Girl, had been in
the room making out with another guy. So, instead of going out with everyone, I was in the lobby watching my friend be depressed.

In the end we went out... to McDonalds.

I ended up having to call it an early night because I was starting a new job as a camp counselor and had to get up early the next morning for a meeting... on the other side of town! Luckily I had a cousin who lived nearby and slept over there.

Everyone was out having th etime of their lives and I was asleep by 12am.

No dancing.
No kissing.
No friendship memories.
No amazing breakfast the next morning.

No, I had to get picked up by my dad in his piece of shit car and go to a camp meeting.

Ah, high school memories, and yikes! This year is my 10 year anniversary!

Can't wait..... ya......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hiring a Limousine as wedding transport is becoming an increasing popular choice for new married couples, according to empirical research from a leading national think-tank. The survey conducted showed that whilst couples are generally spending more on their weddings than ten years ago, value for money is also becoming more of an issue with couples looking to make their day as memorable as possible.